10 Tips on Getting Ready for Winter – Peterborough Style

With the beautiful Fall weather we’ve been experiencing in Peterborough, winter may not be ‘top of mind’. However, we all know that it’s coming and before you know it, we’ll be skating at the Peterborough Liftlocks, sledding down Armour Hill or Nordic skiing on through Jackson’s Park.

The friendly staff at Merrett Home Building Centre have compiled a list of a few handy tips to help you prepare for winter… before winter. So come on Peterborough, let’s get ready now.

Tip # 1. Have a couple of bags of Ice melter or salt on hand BEFORE the storm hits.

Hint – Store it in a pail with a lid so it stays clump-free and ready to use.

Tip # 2. Caulk window cracks and seams to prevent heat loss and moisture penetration.

Hint – Use a removable caulking that peels off in the spring.

Tip # 3. Check and clean your home’s downspouts and eavestroughs and replace them as needed.

We can supply various lengths of downspout if yours have been crushed or are missing. Be sure to direct water away from the house.

Hint – Blow them out with a leaf blower

Tip # 4. Change your furnace filter and have a spare on hand.

Fine filters are not always better- they may restrict airflow and create furnace suction. Bring sure to take a picture of the old filter in the housing before removing it to help you align the directional arrows when inserting the new one.

Tip # 5. Drain outside faucets and hoses, and store hoses carefully coiled.

Hint – Blow out all garden hoses, sprinklers and hose hangers using a shop vac on reverse.

Tip # 6. Cover your air conditioner with a tarp or fitted cover.

Hint – Use a bungee cord to hold it on- it’s better than tape and can be easily removed in Spring.

Tip # 7. Clean your chimney and make sure your furnace and gas hot water exhaust is clear of obstructions such as garden plants.

Also, check your dryer vent for lint or broken screens and replace them as needed.

Hint – Check the roof cap exhaust pipe for bird nests.

Tip # 8. Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and change batteries every November.

Hint – They may be interlinked so have someone in other rooms to confirm they all work.

Tip # 9. Winterize your outdoor power equipment – one of the best ways to ensure they’re ready in the Spring.

Remove grass clippings from the deck and run engines with a fuel stabilizer added to the tanks to ensure it’s mixed in the system. We sell an excellent product called SeaFoam Engine Treatment.

10. Reverse your ceiling fans in a clockwise direction.

Hint – Clean the dust off them first while you are up there.

Bonus Tip

Fall is a great time to clean your BBQ. Remove the grates and let them soak in a mild cleaner. We have some excellent outdoor environmentally safe cleaners.

Hint – Use a shop vac to remove loose debris.

The friendly staff at Merrett Home Hardware Building Centre are always ready to answer your home maintenance questions and assist you with locating the right product for the job.

Stop by our location at 1460 Lansdowne St., West, Peterborough, Ontario.